Faculty & Research
Finance and ManagementFaculty & Research
Date :2024-10-24


Associate Professor

Email: 0020170063@cufe.edu.cn

Department: Financial Management

Educational Background (Bachelor’s degree and above)




Academic Degree

September 2008 - June 2012

Tsinghua University

School of Economics and Management

Bachelor's degree

September 2012 - June 2017

Tsinghua University

School of Economics and Management

Doctoral degree

Main Research Areas

Financial Accounting, Corporate Finance and Capital Markets

Publications (including journal articles, conference papers, monographs, translations, edit works, etc.)

Journal Articles (January 2019-December 2023, excluding Category C papers)

Authors (all listed in order)


Journal Title (please indicate whether it is indexed by SCI or SSCI)

Issue Number and Page Number

Dou Chao, Yang Xue (student), Bai Xuejin (external), Sun Rui (external)

Microblog publicity and IPO underpricing

China Journal of Accounting Studies


Luo Jinbo (external), Dou Chao

Does the social media “voice” of small and medium-sized shareholders affect corporate M&A preferences? Empirical evidence based on the e-Interactive platform

Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics


Dou Chao, Yang Xue (student), Liu Wei (external), Sun Rui (external)

Independent Directors’ Macroscopic Perspective and Corporate Debt Default

Accounting Research

2022, (07), 58-74

Dou Chao, Wei Jingjing (student), Wang Ruihua, Sun Rui (external)

Can female executives improve the quality of performance forecasts?

Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics

2022, (6), 59-69

Dou Chao, Yuan Yanan (student), Bai Xuejin (student)

The anomaly of "high deposits and loans" of listed companies and the risk of stock price collapse

China Industrial Economics

2022, (04), 174-192

Dou Chao, Yang Xue (student), Liu Wei (external), Sun Rui (external)

Can independent directors with macro vision relieve debt default – from the perspective of independent director’s ‘advisory’ function

China Journal of Accounting Studies


Dou Chao, Yao Xiao, Chen Xiao (external)

Major Government Background Customers and Bond Issuance Pricing - Based on Supply Chain Perspective

Journal of Management Science and Engineering

2021, 24(9), 59-78

Dou Chao, Wang Qiaowan (external), Chen Xiao (external)

Can major government background customers alleviate the financing constraints of private enterprises?

Journal of Finance and Economics


Dou Chao, Zhai Jinbu

Research on the Wealth Transfer Effects behind Performance Commitments

Journal of Financial Research

2020,486(12), 189-206    

Dou Chao, Luo Jinbo (external)

Can Small and Medium-Sized Shareholders Use Social Media to "Speak Out" to Improve Executive Compensation Contracts?

Finance, Trade and Economics

2020, 41(12), 85-100

Dou Chao, Bai Xuejin (student), Chen Xiao (external)

Can major government background customers improve the “quality” and “quantity” of private enterprise innovation?

Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics

2020, (11), 43-56

Dou Chao, Li Xinzi, Chen Xiao (external)

Major Government Background Clients, Innovation Inputs and Their Influence Paths

Scientific Research Management

2020, 41(9), 197-208

Dou Chao, Chen Xiao (external), Li Xinzi

Government Background Customers, Market Perception and Investment Opportunities - Based on the Perspective of Supply Chain Integration

Management Review


Dou Chao, Wang Qiaowan (external), Bai Xuejin (student)

Independent Directors' Macroview and Corporate Bond Issuance Spreads - Based on the Perspective of the "Advisory" Function of Independent Directors

Review of Finance

2020, (2), 35-63

Dou Chao, Yuan Man (external), Chen Xiao (external)

Government Background Customer, Audit Risk and Audit Fee

China Journal of Accounting Studies

2020, 7(3),385-406

Dou Chao, Chen Xiao (external), Li Xinzi

Major Government Background Customers, Performance Growth and Earnings Quality - Based on Supply Chain Perspective

China Accounting Review

2020, (1), 125-152

Dou Chao, Chen Zhanguang (external), Liu Jingzhe (external), Li Ganlin (external)

Independent Directors’ Macro Vision and Audit Fees - Based on Independent Directors’ Consulting Perspective

Journal of Lanzhou University (Social Science Edition)

2020,48(02), 123-133

Dou Chao, Yuan Man (external), Chen Xiao (external)

Major Government Background Customers and Audit Fees - Based on Supply Chain Risk Transfer Perspective

Accounting Research

2020, (03), 164-178

Zhanguang Chen (external), Qiaowan Wang (external), Dou Chao, Tian Liang (external)

Government Background Customers and Private Enterprise Innovation from the Perspective of Supply Chain Risk Transmission

Sustainability (SCI, SSCI)


Duo Chao, He Wei (external)

Government background customers and corporate growth from the perspective of innovation

Scientific Research Management

2019,40(10), 193-206

Yuan Man (external), Dou Chao, Xue Jian (external)

The duck knows first when the river becomes warm in spring - can analysts understand state-owned sector procurement?

China Accounting Review

2019,17(02), 171-202


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