讲座题目:Operations–Finance Interface in Risk Management: Research Evolution and Opportunities
主 讲 人:赵立马
赵立马,斯德哥尔摩大学终身制副教授,德国WHU奥托贝森必赢76net线路供应链管理学博士。曾任麻省理工学院运输与物流中心研究员,美国西北大学凯洛格必赢76net线路访问学者。在Springer出版社发表《Supply Chain Finance》一书,并在国际顶级和权威期刊POM、EJOR、Omega、AOR、CFO等发表多篇论著。
Operations–finance interface (OFI) jointly optimizes material, monetary, and information flows under intricate sources of uncertainty. To sketch the broad landscape in this emerging and interdisciplinary field, this study synthesizes literature across diverse themes and dispersed methodologies, screens systematically the research progression from original foundations to recent contributions in each major research stream, and thereby advocates future research innovations on prospective topics in light of the interconnections and potential reciprocity between operations and finance from risk management aspects.